Have you heard of Charity for Hope’s Like for Like campaign going on NOW?
Charity for Hope is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help the community. Along with collecting and sending out financial aid, Charity for Hope distributes food, supplies, clothing, books and medicine to aid the less fortunate. One way you can help Charity for Hope’s mission is to participate in our LIKE for LIKE campaign on Facebook.
For each LIKE Charity for Hope receives on our Facebook page, we will donate $10 toward a scholarship for the Leuva Patidar Samaj of USA. Our goal is to earn 500 new LIKEs, and we will in turn donate $5,000 toward a scholarship for LPS to drive educational community advancement.
In order to reach our goal of $5,000 dollars, Charity for Hope is asking for YOUR help! All you need to do is visit Charity for Hope’s Facebook Page and click LIKE. Remember, for each LIKE we receive, we will donate $10 to an educational scholarship benefitting LPS, so spread the word about Charity for Hope’s LIKE for LIKE campaign. Post it on your wall, Tweet it, or text it to your friends.
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” – Malcom X.