Charitable giving is on an uprise in the U.S. according to the National Philanthropic Trust. Currently 95.4 percent of U.S. households give an estimated $2,974 annually to charity, while Americans gave a total of $358.38 billion to charity in 2014. This is a 7.1 percent increase from 2013. Many Americans donate to support a specific cause they are passionate about or because they want to make a difference in the world.
Although there are many, here are five reasons why it is important to donate to charity:
1. Be a part of something bigger.
Finding a cause you are passionate about or feel some sort of connection to can make you feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself. It is easy to get caught up in your everyday life and forget about the bigger picture of the world. Donating to charity can remind you that there are bigger problems in the world that you can support and help promote change.
2. Promote good health and happiness.
In a 2006 study done by the University of Missouri, Columbia and the University of California, Riverside, people who gave to others tended to score higher on feelings of joy and contentment than people who did not give to others. Joy and contentment are also linked to improved physical and mental health as well as longer life spans. Feelings of happiness can also reduce stress levels which leads to better overall health.
3. Inspire others around you to give.
Giving can often times be a chain reaction. When people around you see the joy and happiness you receive from donating to charity, they will likely want to experience the same feeling and will be more likely to donate themselves. By being an example to other people, you can help inspire overall change in the world through charitable giving.
4. You can truly make a difference.
Often times people can be overwhelmed with all of the problems in the world and can feel like a small donation can’t possibly make a difference. However, even making a small donation of just a few dollars can help one person which in itself is making a difference. Think about those few dollars you might spend on a Starbucks latte a few times a week. By cutting out one or two lattes and giving that money to charity you can help a family put dinner on the table or help a sick child in need of medical care.
5. Charitable donations are tax deductible.
In the United States charitable donations can be written off of your taxes. Although this should not be the main reason you choose to donate to charity, it is a positive benefit.
Whatever reason you choose to donate to charity, remember that your contribution can make a difference in the world and can truly impact someone’s life. Visit today to learn more about how you can make a difference.